Posted by: Kaiaroon | May 12, 2010

Who Are You?

I got a new purse. It is yellow leather, with a long strap. My sister Maureen, who is much more fashionable than I am, helped me pick it out. I rarely spend money on myself — the budget we have doesn’t have a lot of wiggle room — but it was only $16. So, I splurged.

This morning, Movie Boy asked me for a dollar. I grabbed the new purse. Movie Boy was horrified.

“Who. ARE. YOOOUUUU???????”

“Who, me? What’s up?”

“That’s a RICH PEOPLE purse, Mom, why do you have it?”

(Well, thank you son. I should take Auntie Mo out shopping with me more often, eh?)

“No, I mean…. you NEVER spend money. You are like Julius on Everyone Hates Chris…. ‘hey, that’s 19 cents worth of milk you didn’t drink’‘”

Yes, and now I have a new purse.

“Who are you?”

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